BP Specialist Consultancy Services for FPS RLPG Plant Replacement Project
BP is a FTSE100 listed global energy company active in all stages of the energy chain.
The Forties Pipeline System (FPS) is an integrated oil and gas liquid transportation and processing system that serves both UK and Norwegian sectors of the central and northern North Sea. The system carries around 40% of the UK’s oil production. Oil and gas liquids are transported into FPS through pipelines from over 50 offshore platforms.
The Refrigerated Liquid Petroleum Gas (RLPG) Plant at Grangemouth operates with R22 to refrigerate propane and butane which is delivered to local storage tanks.
Since 2009 STS has provided ongoing specialist consultancy support to the BP & AMEC engineering teams for the FPS RLPG plant replacement. This has included the secondment of STS engineers into the project team and the preparation of a range of reports, including:
- Two refrigerant retrofit reports considered the feasibility of changing from R22 to R507 or R410A.
- An F-Gas Compliance report identifying refrigerant leakage issues experienced on the existing refrigeration system and determination of the technical and reputational impact on leakage of a change to either R507 or R410A in the context of the current and revised F-Gas Regulations. Solutions were proposed for minimising leakage.
- An R410A Technology Review report considering the suitability of both the existing system and available R410A technology for integration, and the future availability of R410A.
- A conceptual design study for a complete R410A replacement plant, including review of the the best compressor technology, electrical power consumption requirements, equipment foot prints and operating weights of the proposed equipment.