BSc (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering Chartered Engineer
Professional Bodies:
Fellow of the Institute of Refrigeration (IoR) Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) Member International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR)
Director – Star Technical Solutions (STS) Director – IIAR
Relevant Experience:
With a background in marine engineering and consultancy, David joined Star Refrigeration in 1990. He was Special Projects Manager from 1994 to 1999, Sales Director – North from 1999 to 2005 and the Director for STS since then.
Set up in 2005 in response to a growing demand for support on wide ranging issues related to refrigeration and its associated disciplines, STS is the technical advisory arm of Star Refrigeration. STS operates independently of the rest of the business, with a team of 7 full time technical staff bringing together wide ranging experience. The client base includes end users, government bodies and NGO’s, consultants and other refrigeration contractors. The work carried out for this customer base is extremely varied – from legislative compliance and safety issues, through trouble shooting and expert witness work, to concept design, specification preparation and prototype building and testing.
David has particular interests in the environmental impact of refrigeration systems, the application of energy efficient cooling systems and the safety issues related to operating refrigeration systems. He is the author of several technical papers presented to the IoR, the IIAR and the IMechE. He has been awarded the IoR’s Lightfoot Medal twice and is the recipient of awards by the UK Engineering Council, the IoR and the IMechE for work carried out in the promotion and installation of energy efficient cooling systems utilising natural refrigerants, such as ammonia and carbon dioxide. He is involved with a number of national and international industry bodies; serving on the steering committee of eurammon, the board of the IIAR, the IoR Technical Committee working group revising its Cold Store Code of Practice and the steering committee of the IoR REAL Zero project, aimed at improving industry standards with regard to HFC emissions.